wheelbrightener 是什么意思
- wheel brightener轮胎光亮剂
transmission wheel是什么意思
- transmission wheel英 [trnzmin hwi:l] 美 [trnsmn hwil] 拨针轮传动轮双语例句1Intelligent Control System on Automatic Transmission of Wheel Loader 装载机自动变速智能换挡控制系统设计2The transmission wheel driven by the transmi笭怠蒂干郦妨垫施叮渐ssion structure and the clamping body are separately fixed at the seat center of the clamping seat through the shaft.该夹固座的座体中央用轴杆分别固定有由传动机构传动的传动轮和夹体;
sit behind the wheel of a vehicle是什么意思
- sit behind the wheel of a vehi长福拜凰之好瓣瞳抱困cle的中文翻译sit behind the wheel of a vehicle坐在汽车车轮后面
rolling diameter of wheel tread是什么意思
- rolling diameter of wheel tread 英 [rl daimit v hwi:l tred] 美 [rol da&#涪触帝吠郜杜佃森顶缉618;mt v hwil trd] [释义]轮辋滚动直径; [例句]Wheel tread wear leads to change of the wheel profile and rolling diameter, which influences the dynamic behaviors of railway vehicles seriously. 车轮踏面磨耗导致车轮外形改变,使其滚动圆直径产生偏差,对车辆系统的动力学特性影响较大
how was the first wheels like是什么意思
- how was the first wheels like的中文翻译how was the first wheels like第一个轮子怎么样
壳牌 S4 wheel 480齿轮油 其中S4 wheel 480 各是什么意思?
- 壳牌 S4 wheel 480齿轮油 其中S4 wheel 480 各是什么意思?
- 应该是壳牌Omala S4 Wheel 460 ,S4是级别,壳牌Omala齿轮油S4级别的都是合成油,Wheel可理解为轮子的意思,460是油品粘度,这个产品是壳牌460号重负荷合成齿轮油,专用于矿山装载车辆的通用电气电动轮。
wheeling system是什么意思
- wheeling system英[(h)wi:li 讥怠罐干忒妨闺施酣渐sistm]美[hwil sstm]释义车轮系统 1This paper probes the decomposition method of line loss through field studies in the effect ot wheeling power, sources and structure of load in power system on the line loss.通过对过网电量、电源及负荷结构等因素对线损影响的分析,探讨线损评价中损耗的分解方法。
two wheeledbike是什么意思
- 两个轮子的单车
reaction wheel是什么意思
- reaction wheel反动轮
behind the wheel是什么意思
- behind the wheel英[bihaind hwi:l]美[bhand i hwil]释义掌管, 控制 1There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.杰出的飞机设计师没有理单埂厕忌丿涣搽惟敞隶由一定也是个出色的飞行员。同样,一个优秀的飞行员或许会是个糟糕的司机。