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关于绿色生活的英语作文85字左右 关于绿色生活的作文


The area of desert in the world is growing every year. Many parts of the world which once had large populations and produced plenty of crops, have become deserts. Dunhuang in China, deep in the heart of the Gebi Desert, was once a great city.

  Cattle are one cause of the problem. In good years, famers increase the numbers of their cattle. Then one year, the rains fail to come. The farmers do not want to kill any of their cattle, so the cattle eat ail the grass and anything that grows on poorer land. If this continues for several years, the grass never grows again and the land becomes a desert. One suggested answer is for farmers to limit the numbers of their cattle.

  Another problem is that good soil is gradually lost. When trees are cut down, there is nothing to hold the soil in place on the hillside. So when if rains, the soil is washed down the hills and into the rivers. Strong winds can also blow away the valuable soil that lies on the top of the fields.


If we want to leave a better life and have a bright future,we must do our best to protect the environment:

First of all, we will have to control the growth of the population. The more people that are brought into the world, the more houses and food are needed. As a result of that, people have no choice but to cut down trees to make room for buildings and farming.

Secondly, some measures are taken to control and stop pollution from now on. For instance, close down some factories that produce serious pollution, make the water clean before it goes into the rivers, lakes and seas.

But the most important thing is to make people realize the importance of protecting the environment, and then everybody can join in the campaign to fight against pollution.


Nowadays,environment problems is more and more serious.I think everyone wants to be a greener people.However,how to be a greener people?There are some ways to tell you.

First,we should reduce the waste we produce.We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.

Second,recycling can not only protect the environment but also save money .So we ought to collect waste paper and soft drink cans.

Third,we‘d better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi if you travel a short distance.It will save energy and reduce air pollution.


Nowadays, the environment has been polluted seriously. Take my hometown for example, when I was very small, I could swim in the river and catch fish, but now, the water is very dirty and there are full of trash. The government has made many action to return the green and it is everybody’s duty to bring the world some green. March 12th is the tree planting day and students are called to plant trees. I take part in this activity all the time and the trees I grew last year have grown much taller. I am so proud of making the world green. Without it, we could not live for long.


The area of desert in the world is growing every year. Many parts of the world which once had large populations and produced plenty of crops, have become deserts. Dunhuang in China, deep in the heart of the Gebi Desert, was once a great city.

  Cattle are one cause of the problem. In good years, famers increase the numbers of their cattle. Then one year, the rains fail to come. The farmers do not want to kill any of their cattle, so the cattle eat ail the grass and anything that grows on poorer land. If this continues for several years, the grass never grows again and the land becomes a desert. One suggested answer is for farmers to limit the numbers of their cattle.


Nowadays,environment problems is more and more serious.I think everyone wants to be a greener people.However,how to be a greener people?There are some ways to tell you.

First,we should reduce the waste we produce.We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.

Second,recycling can not only protect the environment but also save money .So we ought to collect waste paper and soft drink cans.

Third,we‘d better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi if you travel a short distance.It will save energy and reduce air pollution.



这样,既浪费水,又浪费电…… 现在,我听到了城市在宣传倡导低碳生活,我渐渐有些懂了。我开始了“低碳生活”。低碳的生活方式,就是在生活的细节上注重节能减耗。除了做作业必须开灯之外,其余的事务都靠窗外的照明灯来相助。由于我们的客厅大,窗外的照明灯照进来都可以醒目地看到室内的一切,吃饭时,真像一桌“烛光晚餐”,这真是一大盏“天然的灯啊!” 只要我洗好手,就都把水龙头拧的紧紧地,不让水“逃”出来,这样,我就可以安心了。但我又担忧爸爸妈妈会不会做好,每次看见爸爸妈妈进洗手间洗手并顺其天然的把水龙头关紧,我特别高兴,我希望 “低碳家庭”会做的更好。冰箱里放着乱七八糟的物品,妈妈说很浪费电,我灵机一动,想出了妙招:于是,我就拿起以前堆积如山的硬纸板,把它做成一个个大致不一的盒子,上面贴上了各种分类的标志,接着,按分类去整理,不一会儿,冰箱变得又干净又整洁,焕然一新,一眼就目睹摆放整整齐齐的物品。这样,既帮助了我们,又节省了电。原来,电器开着,就连小小的手机电池在插座上插着时都会排放出可怕的二氧化碳,只要充完电就应该将电池立刻取下。我本来以为,二氧化碳只有汽车尾气、煤炭燃烧这些会排放,没想到生活中处处都有微弱的“碳”在侵害着我们大家的生活和地球。每当我看见妈妈要把洗衣粉的桶扔掉时,我会上前去阻止。我会把它做成一个小垃圾桶,有的像个洋娃娃,粉嘟嘟的脸,可爱极了!有的又的像只小动物,活灵活现的,真像一道秀丽的“风景”! 当夜幕降临,晚饭过后,路边的霓虹灯为夜晚增添了一份光彩,老爸总是把家里所有的灯都关掉,只剩下一片伸手不见五指的黑暗中,接着,趴在窗户上,一边欣赏路边的风景,一边唱着一首歌:“月亮代表我的心……”真是五音不全,一塌糊涂。养花是妈妈的爱慕。家里的吊兰、常春藤一年四季都是绿意盎然。在每个炎炎的夏日,妈妈总会把花搬进家里来,大家看着那些绿色,允吸这那些绿色,心中顿时感觉丝丝的凉意,有了好空气又养眼,真是一箭双雕啊! 这么好的家居环境,并且充满了创意的小欢乐


With the spread of the consciousness of environmental protection, the word “low-carbon” has been very popular in life. We can find it in many aspects, such as low-carbon products, low-carbon consumption, and low-carbon travel and so on. Generally speaking, more and more people are advocating “low-carbon” lifestyle.


With the spread of the consciousness of environmental protection, the word “low-carbon” has been very popular in life. We can find it in many aspects, such as low-carbon products, low-carbon consumption, and low-carbon travel and so on. Generally speaking, more and more people are advocating “low-carbon” lifestyle.


As implied in the name, “low-carbon” lifestyle is a kind of new pattern of lifestyle which aims to lowering the carbon dioxide emission in living as much as possible. For example, some office workers are not proud of driving private cars from work to home any more but pride themselves on riding or taking public transportation. In addition, they advocate recycling water and saving energy as much as they can.


As college students, we also make some contribution in our daily life to reduce the emission of the carbon dioxide. For example, switch off the light when leaving and save water. In addition, we should use our knowledge and action to arouse others’ concern about the importance of lowering emission of carbon dioxide and lead them to lead a “low-carbon” life.


Presently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life is spreading every corner of our country. The concepts of low carbon are low energy and no waste. It is such a significant project that I can’t wait to present my ideas on how to promote it.

On the first place, a no-car day is supposed to set up every week in our school. Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy. On no-car day, neither students nor teachers are allowed to drive to school. Meanwhile, just walk, jump, cycle or run. Use our legs and enjoy the fun.

On the second place, we had best not use plastic bags any more. No one can stand the “white pollution”. So, it is wise to use bags which can be reused again and again.

Finally, one thing that we should keep in mind: every big thing comes from the subtle. Therefore, as students, we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave, turn off the tap in time, and reuse our textbook and so on.

All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice. Just set our mind to these: no-car day, no plastic bags, and no waste. Let’s do it now.
