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山东高考作文多少字数要求 山东高考作文多少分满分















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Requirements for the Word Count in Gaokao Essays

In the Gaokao examination, essay writing carries significant weightage and serves as an essential means of assessing students’ comprehensive qualities and language expression abilities. However, for many high school students, a vital question regarding Gaokao essays is the required word count. This question receives much attention because the word count requirement directly influences the direction and framework of students’ writing.

From a standard perspective, there are specific regulations for the word count in Gaokao essays. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education, generally, essays for the humanities stream should be around 800 words, whereas for the science stream, the requirement is around 600 words. This word count range serves as a guideline for candidates, aiming to ensure that students have sufficient space to fully express and elaborate on their ideas. However, in the actual examination, there is also some flexibility regarding the word limit, allowing acceptance of essays with slightly fewer or slightly more words than the standard requirement.

So, why is there a word count limit for essays? This is primarily related to the evaluation criteria of the examination. Essays are evaluated by grading authorities, and a word count limit ensures fair assessment of each essay, avoiding any unfairness in scoring due to differences in word count. Furthermore, it also helps cultivate students’ writing abilities, teaching them to express their thoughts accurately and concisely.

However, exceeding the word count limit is also not advisable. Although there is flexibility within a certain range, if the number of words greatly surpasses the stipulated limit, the essay can become trivial and lengthy, leading to weariness for the reader. An excessively long essay not only burdens the examiners during the evaluation process but also fails to emphasize the main points and central ideas of the essay. Candidates should organize their word count appropriately, controlling their thoughts and length, while focusing on key aspects for in-depth analysis and reflection.

On the other hand, excessively short essays will also lead to a score deduction. If the essay is too brief, it gives the impression of incomplete content and lack of a rigorous thought process, which hinders the attainment of high scores. Therefore, candidates need to pay attention to controlling the word count in their essays, avoiding excessive length with excessive details, and not falling short by lacking detailed explanations. Only by writing within a reasonable word count range can candidates better demonstrate their language expression and thinking abilities.

In summary, the word count requirement is an essential and flexible factor in Gaokao essays. Candidates need to gradually grasp the appropriate word count range through practice and accumulation, not only focusing on the depth and quality of the content but also paying attention to word count control. This way, satisfactory results can be achieved in essay writing.









30分听力(20道题目,每题1.5分)15分单项选择(15个空,每题1分)30分完型填空(20个空,每题1.5分)40分阅读领悟(20个选择,每题2分)10分改错(10个空,每题1分)25分作文(150字左右)高考英语评分分五个档次,字数不够会扣二分,如书写较差以至影响交际会将分数降低一个层次,如应用语法结构和词汇能满足任务要求是16~20分,英语是16为一般作文 就是要求的物品都写全拉 而且都是句型 语法没有何错误的地方 其余的就是自在发挥拉 要求有几许何老师说的[二级词汇]啊 好象通俗说就是很长的很难记的单词,只要涂改不多,字迹清晰就行,单词写得难看与否关系不大。同一篇作文,字写得好坏得分差距最多就在2到3分,但涂改潦草就影响比较大了。涂改太多说明你单词语法基本功不扎实,语言组织能力不强。


下面内容为王云飞高考作文《绿色生活》原文(拼音为后来标注)。太有才了呱呱小儿,但饮牛??[dòng] ,至於弱冠,不明犍[jiān] 状。????[cǐ]之豚,日食其?j[bā]。洎[jì]其成立,未识?]?j[jiān jiā]。每啮?茨?[niè chán nào],然竟不知其??[qūn]兔。方彼之时,??[zhú]诧之态,非?X?T[huán huì]之中所得见也。今北方久??[ōu],瀵?甬L眢[fèn guǐ zhòu yuān],坌[bèn]?u?u[fó],焘[dào]天??[hū]日。土地皴[cūn]崩,罅[xià] 可容人。南疆?Q霈[pāng pèi],洚[jiàng]水肆虐,当此之??[hào],茅舍尽走。欲苫(shàn)不能,啼口立啾啾[jiū] 。凡此异态,非天之咎。君不见??[zhuó]?F[pián]焚樟,岵[hù]之为屺[qǐ],睇眄[miàn]之下,万山尽??[wù],百尺?J[yún]??[dàng],化为竹著。於彼幼蛇,??[gé]不盈寸,巴蛇王虺[huǐ],尽化??[pán]馐。?S[lú]气?J?J[fú],上格瑶池,贫地徕[lái]贾[gǔ],以丰其赀[zī]。然千丈方圆,莱菔[lái fú]不生,九天之上,星河不见。呜呼!漫山设??[lì],遍地尽罘[fú]。此天灾也?人祸也!河海黟[yī]然,浊水仍倾,此天灾也?人祸也!?弈??竹,??[guō]??[juàn]待兽,以至鹿不得走,?E[huī]不得飞,蚁不得?l[qún],????[pī ér]不见。此天灾也?人祸也!翕[xī] 合?l[lì]气,终日????[hūn]。天不复蓝,水不复清。未有乌云,天何暝暝?赤乌既出,?j[kūn]耀无复。看天下,鸟飞不下,鲜见????[pī],当此之时,何处??[dài]青天?所幸者,人知之也,人更之也。然,上作网法,下??[fù]几何未可知也。今天下多灾。北国井??[shēn],阵主复至,当与孔张俱?z[mò]。南域之霖,大禹??[jiàn]存,只得扼腕而叹息。人不咎己而咎旱魃[bá],不诮[qiào]己而诼共工。未之可也。?X?T所趋,不可?c?c。当思子孙後代,人己知之。然行之效,则体?M[jù]庙堂者思之,?j??[ān ē]之徒,弃不??[hù]??[lào],国之大蠹[dù],捐而必究。吾所思者,河泮水??[ào],杨槐蓁蓁[zhēn],町疃[tǐng tuǎn],柳榆其?w[lì]。??[bì]??[jiān]????[nǐ]游屮[chè]葳蕤[wēi ruí],见柳而人不??[lì],视草而众不?C[lìn],日驾双??[dài]之车,斐斐[fěi]闾[lǘ]巷之间,目不复?T[hóu],鼻不再鼽[qiú],鸟不惊人,鲋[fù]游?l然。人者,天地孕育。今其反万物,此獍也。今其不宜?n?n[guī],遗祸?x[nù]孙,当修长远之道以?D[lài]万世。今吾执笔於此,所思者,舍旁早蟠一株,今当唪唪[fěng],??[qī]枝水上,当复驾舴艋,扌[shǒu]玄其落桃,投於?n[lì]。坐银杏树下,观儿童嬉於树下,延於砖??[gāi],?~[è]腕而惜水中未置菱藕几株。燠[yù]热之时,而可摘菱??[zuì]??,?k[ruò]之为??[zhān],以奉亲房。


高考答题卡无需你去数字数,每一百字的下面都会有标示,数字数会浪费你的时刻。一行的字数不是十的整数倍,按行去算也会浪费时刻 卷面总共1000字,记得不要超过这个数。
